Platinum Proportion™ Archwires

Precision Manufactured By G&H® Orthodontics

Achieve Platinum Proportion™ Finished Smiles - Routinely - with Large or Small Tooth Masses. 

Small teeth and/or spacing can result in less than perfect smiles.

These archforms are designed for treatment of patients with smaller tooth anatomy and/or spacing. After measuring anterior teeth for over five years, we have crystallized a method to consistently deliver a predictable anterior display while idealizing functional coupling of anterior teeth.

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The Platinum Proportion™ archwire system takes the guess work out of archwire selection based on a simple system of measuring tooth width of the anteriors cuspid to cuspid. This technique definitively provides the clinician the proper archwire based on the consolidated width.

Determining the proper archwire size: Digital pocket caliper

Measure Upper Anteriors:
- Measure the mesiodistal width of each upper toothfrom cuspid to cuspid
- The total measurement of all 6 teeth is then used to prescribe archform size, 100%, 92% or 84%

Consolidated width 3 2 1 | 1 2 3  indicates archform size:

40mm or Less  =  Customize 84%
40mm - 45mm  =  92% Upper & 84% Lower
45mm - 50mm  =  100% Upper & 92% Lower
50mm or More  =  Customize 100%


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* Our offers are aimed exclusively at entrepreneurs such as orthodontic specialists, dentists and specialist dealers. We do not conclude contracts with consumers. All prices are plus the costs for legally applicable sales tax and shipping.